The coprocessor is a small 16-bit CPU that has direct access to all of the Gameduino memory and registers. It executes code from the 256 bytes at 2b00-2bff, enough for 128 16-bit instructions.
The coprocessor is completely free for your application to use: in normal operation of the Gameduino, it is idle. Some possible uses of the coprocessor:
- fast copies and clears ("blits") of video memory
- line, circle and triangle drawing using a bitmap, see wireframe
- split-screen effects by changing registers mid-frame, see splitscreen and bgcolor
The coprocessor's CPU is a modified version of the J1 CPU. It executes instructions from its instruction RAM, and can perform read/writes to any location in the 32K Gameduino address space, including its own instruction RAM.
Some highlights of the coprocessor
- 50 MIPS
- 16-bit internal bus
- 8-bit memory interface, can read/write all memory locations
- Single-cycle 16x16 bit multiply, plus barrel shifter
- Fast, efficient stack machine
For more details of the coprocessor, see The J1 Forth CPU and the directory j1firmware in the sample sketches.
As a simple example, this microprogram writes 'HELLO WORLD' to address 512 (screen line 8) character RAM:
start-microcode helloworld
: 1+ d# 1 + ;
: writechar ( addr ch -- addr' )
over c! 1+ ;
: main
d# 512 \ lines are 64 characters, so this is line 8
[char] H writechar
[char] E writechar
[char] L writechar
[char] L writechar
[char] O writechar
[char] W writechar
[char] O writechar
[char] R writechar
[char] L writechar
[char] D writechar
begin again
Microprograms begin with the start-microprogram word, and end with end-microprogram. The assembly language is Forth-like, with word definitions preceded by : and ended with ;. The entry point is the main word, which should not return - here it loops indefinitely with the words begin again.
To compile it, download and unpack the coprocessor SDK, and run the assembler:
$ gforth -e 'include main.fs bye'
This runs the assembler on all the microprograms listed in main.fs. The source program helloworld.fs is assembled to four object files:
helloworld.lst | Listing file, for your reading pleasure |
helloworld.binle | Binary file, little-endian |
helloworld.binbe | Binary file, big-endian |
helloworld.h | Header file, for use with GD.microcode |
The .h format is easiest to use in a sketch:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <GD.h>
#include "j1firmware/helloworld.h"
void setup()
GD.microcode(helloworld_code, sizeof(helloworld_code));
void loop()
results in:
When the control register J1_RESET is set to 1, the coprocessor is halted. When set to 0, the coprocessor starts execution with the instruction at address 2b00. The microprogram should not return: it should instead loop indefinitely.
For the Arduino, the procedure for loading a microprogram is:
- write 1 to J1_RESET to halt the coprocessor
- write the program bytes to 2b00-2bff
- write 0 to J1_RESET to start execution at 2b00
This is done in the GD library by GD.microcode().
The coprocessor is a 16-bit CPU, and the Gameduino's RAM is byte-wide. So the coprocessor must access the memory as bytes. This means that read instructions fill the upper 8 bit of the value with zeroes, and that write instructions ignore the upper 8 bits of the value.
The memory access instructions c@ and c! each execute in two cycles.
To ease working with these byte quantities, there is a swab micro-instruction which swaps the low and high bytes of a 16-bit word. Using this word to implement the 16-bit access words @ and ! gives:
: 1+ d# 1 + ; : @ dup c@ swap 1+ c@ swab or ; : ! over swab over 1+ c! c! ;
An 48-byte area of memory (COMM) is set aside for Arduino-coprocessor communication. Any area of memory can be used for communication, but COMM is useful because it is not used for anything else.
There are two stacks: the data stack for general use, and the return stack for subroutine return addresses. The data stack is 33 cells deep. The return stack is 32 cells deep. Both stacks wrap on overflow.
The return stack is accessible by the standard Forth words >r r> and r@.
start-microprogram N Begin assembling microprogram named N.
end-microprogram Mark end of microprogram
The assembler allows decimal literals by prefixing the number with d#. Hexadecimal literals are preceded by h#. Both have the effect of pushing the literal value on the stack. The standard Forth word [CHAR] is also supported.
Defining words
The assembler uses the standard Forth defining words:
: starts the definition of a new word and ; ends it
constant defines a constant
The following standard Forth words are single instructions:
+ 1- = < u< xor and or invert swap dup drop over nip >r r> r@ c@ c! rshift *
These single instructions are not part of ANS Forth:
swab exchange the upper and lower bytes of the item on top of stack
2dup= equivalent to 2DUP =
2dupxor equivalent to 2DUP XOR
There are several other merged operations; see the included file in basewords.fs for a complete list.
Control flow
if else then as in Forth, see IF
begin until as in Forth, see UNTIL
begin again as in Forth, see AGAIN
begin while repeat as in Forth, see WHILE
The coprocessor has a tiny code space, but with careful coding quite complex algorithms can be made to fit.
Use subroutines whenever possible The J1 CPU executes a call instruction in 1 cycle, and a return instruction is usually free. So almost any repeated sequence of instructions is worth factoring out into a common subroutine.
Exploit the free return The assembler can optimize out the last return of a subroutine in two cases: when the return can be combined with a preceding arithmetic instruction, and when the preceding instruction is a call, in which case the assembler replaces the call with a jump.
Use the merged operations The merged operations are useful for loops. For example to count from LOWER to UPPER, you can do:
UPPER LOWER begin ... 1+ 2dup= \ leaves TRUE when counter reaches UPPER until
Exploit fallthru The assembler has a non-standard word ;fallthru which marks the end of a word definition but does not assemble a return instruction. The effect is that execution falls through into the next defined word. So code like this:
: > swap < ; : 0> d# 0 > ;
can be rewritten to use ;fallthru, saving an instruction:
: 0> d# 0 ;fallthru : > swap < ;
The sample wireframe uses the coprocessor to accelerate line drawing, and splitscreen uses the coprocessor to achieve a smooth 3-window scroll. This microprogram is also used in the asteroids demo game to split the screen into three sections.
In addition to the regular 32Kbyte address space at 0x0000-0x7fff, the coprocessor has access to the following 16-bit internal registers, starting at address 0x8000:
0x8000 | YLINE | R | Current raster Y line 0-299. Values during vertical blank are undefined. |
0x8002 | ICAP_O | R | FPGA ICAP port, 8-bit output |
0x8006 | ICAP | W | ICAP_WRITE (10), ICAP_CE (9), ICAP_CLK (8), ICAP_I (7-0) |
0x800a | FREQHZ | W | timer freqency in Hz, 16-bit unsigned. Reset value is 8000. |
0x800c | FREQTICK | R | 8-bit counter, increments at frequency FREQHZ |
0x800e | P2_V | RW | Pin 2 value 0-1 |
0x8010 | P2_DIR | R | Pin 2 direction, 0=output 1=input. Reset value is 1. |
0x8012 | RANDOM | R | 16-bit random number |
0x8014 | CLOCK | R | 16-bit 50MHz clock |
0x8016 | FLASH_MISO | R | SPI flash MISO |
0x8018 | FLASH_MOSI | W | SPI flash MOSI |
0x801a | FLASH_SCK | W | SPI flash SCK |
0x801c | FLASH_SSEL | W | SPI flash SSEL |
The ICAP_ registers are a direct connection to the FPGA internal configuration port. For details on the ICAP port, see and sample microprogram reload.fs.
The FREQ registers are for measuring constant frequency work, e.g. sound playback. Load a frequency value, e.g. 44100, into FREQHZ and the 8-bit register FREQTICK increments at that precise frequency.
The P2_ registers control the direction and value of the P2 data line, when the IOMODE register is set to 0x4A (ascii 'J'). The sample interrupts shows use of the YLINE and P2_V registers to generate interrupts on the Arduino.
The RANDOM register provides a continously updating random number, derived from the hardware's white noise generator.
The CLOCK register is a 16-bit counter that increments every cycle, at 50MHz.
The FLASH_* registers are an interface to the onboard SPI flash. flashtest.fs.
To prevent coprocessor programs from accidentally changing configuration flash, the Gameduino must be in IOMODE 'J' in order for the coprocessor to access the SPI flash.
Last modified $Date: 2011-05-27 22:57:12 -0700 (Fri, 27 May 2011) $