sRGB is a popular gamma-corrected color space.
These two functions follow from the sRGB definition:
def s2lin(x):
a = 0.055
return where(x <= 0.04045,
x * (1.0 / 12.92),
pow((x + a) * (1.0 / (1 + a)), 2.4))
def lin2s(x):
a = 0.055
return where(x <= 0.0031308,
x * 12.92,
(1 + a) * pow(x, 1 / 2.4) - a)
Implementation of pow is obviously important for performance. Using a Chebyshev approximation):
__c_exp2__ = Chebyshev(0, 1, 4, lambda x: math.pow(2, x))
__c_log2__ = Chebyshev(0.5, 1, 4, lambda x: math.log(x) / math.log(2))
def exp2(x):
xi = floor(x)
xf = x - xi
return ldexp(__c_exp2__.eval(xf), xi)
def log2(x):
(xf, xi) = frexp(x)
return xi + __c_log2__.eval(xf)
def pow(a, b):
return exp2(b * log2(a))
The SSE2 implementation runs in under 1ns per conversion on a modern Intel CPU.
The degree of the Chebyshev approximation needs to be as low as possible for performance. Here I needed to be accurate to within 10 bits, and found that degree 4 gives an error below 0.0005 for the crucial round-trip function:
Some ideas that did not work: