A Gameduino version of the famous bouncing ball demo. The ball is a large sprite, made from 44 16x16 hardware sprites. The rotation animation is done using palette animation: the ball sprite uses 256 colors, carefully arranged so that cycling the color palette between red and white gives a rotation effect.
To get perfectly smooth animation, this program uses double-buffering - see :ref:`doublebuffer` for details.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <GD.h>
#include "ball.h"
void setup()
// Background image
GD.copy(RAM_PIC, bg_pic, sizeof(bg_pic));
GD.copy(RAM_CHR, bg_chr, sizeof(bg_chr));
GD.copy(RAM_PAL, bg_pal, sizeof(bg_pal));
// Sprite graphics
GD.uncompress(RAM_SPRIMG, ball);
// Palettes 0 and 1 are for the ball itself,
// and palette 2 is the shadow. Set it to
// all gray.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + (2 * (512 + i)), RGB(64, 64, 64));
// Set color 255 to transparent in all three palettes
GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * 0xff, TRANSPARENT);
GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * 0x1ff, TRANSPARENT);
GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * 0x2ff, TRANSPARENT);
#define RADIUS (112 / 2) // radius of the ball, in pixels
#define YBASE (300 - RADIUS)
void loop()
int x = 200, y = RADIUS; // ball position
int xv = 2, yv = 0; // ball velocity
int r; // frame counter
for (r = 0; ; r++) {
GD.__wstartspr((r & 1) ? 256 : 0); // write sprites to other frame
draw_ball(x + 15, y + 15, 2); // draw shadow using palette 2
draw_ball(x, y, r & 1); // draw ball using palette 0 or 1
// paint the new palette
uint16_t palette = RAM_SPRPAL + 512 * (r & 1);
byte li;
for (li = 0; li < 7; li++) {
byte liv = 0x90 + 0x10 * li; // brightness goes 0x90, 0xa0, etc
uint16_t red = RGB(liv, 0, 0);
uint16_t white = RGB(liv, liv, liv);
byte i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // palette cycling using 'r'
GD.wr16(palette, ((i + r) & 16) ? red : white);
palette += 2;
// bounce the ball around
x += xv;
if ((x < RADIUS) || (x > (400 - RADIUS)))
xv = -xv;
y += yv;
if ((yv > 0) && (y > YBASE)) {
y = YBASE - (y - YBASE); // reflect in YBASE
yv = -yv; // reverse Y velocity
if (0 == (r & 3))
yv++; // gravity
// swap frames
GD.wr(SPR_PAGE, (r & 1));